Differentiation 101 for Early Number Knowledge
Date & Time
Friday, January 26, 2024, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Counting, cardinality, and comparison are foundational numeracy skills that underscore young childrens’ formal understanding of whole numbers, numerical relationships, and initial place value concepts introduced in first grade and beyond (Fry, Baroody, Burchinal, Carver, Jordan, & McDowell, 2013). This session will focus on the developmental progression of these counting and comparing skills as they occur within the young child's informal activity in solving problems and working with whole numbers. Dr. Mowry will review and share hands-on activities for teacher-directed small group lessons/centers and child-initiated explorations that foster preschoolers’ (ages 3-5) attainment of these skills.
Session Type
Breakout #2